An project engaging the material and discursive implications of multimodal anthropology

Takaragawa, S., Smith, T., Hennessy, K., Alvarez Astacio, P., Chio, J., Nye, C., Shankar, S. (2019)
Bad Habitus: Anthropology in the Age of the Multimodal. American Anthropologist 121(2):517-524. [Download our article here]

Speakers + Artists have included Maryam Kashani, Mary Gray, Brett Gaylor, Nadege Nau, Jon Corbett, Vanessa Campbell, Dante Cerron, Olivia Chen, David Gaertner, Daisy Rosenblum, Patricia Alvarez Astacio, Gabriel Dattatreyan, Arjun Shankar, Reese Muntean, Harjant Gill, Stephanie Takaragawa, Trudi Lynn Smith, Steve DiPaola, Kate Hennessy, Coleman Nye, Shalini Shankar, and Jenny Chio